November 2021 Change List

Added custom markers now appear on compass
Added new meteor type to Proteus 2
Added multiplayer data safeguards to better persist through crashes of either host or clients
Added additional loading screen messaging for remote clients joining a host
Added more robust system for syncing save data among all clients
Upped 3 active creature ragdoll limit to 10, will evaluate more solutions soon
Tweaked current mission set to lead the player through the tech tree
Very old legacy worlds will no longer be migrated to the new data system to better maintain stability of current saves
Objects can once again be built on Custom Piece structures
Removed nonfunctional customize screen on various objects
Zer planet is no longer blindingly bright in low orbit
Default language now properly is applied based on system language
Leaving an item inside the fuel window on objects such as the furnace will no longer prevent the fuel window from being accessible afterwards
Sorting containers with multiple items in non-full stacks will no longer cause items to go missing or to be duplicated
Crashes occurring during client joining or leaving should no longer cause data losses or duplication
Logging out on other planets should no longer cause the player to spawn back in with their ship in orbit
Spaceship crash handling has been further improved to reduce the instances a player will spawn back in without/far away from their ship

December 2021 Change List


October 2021 Change List