Remastered Proteus Site A |
Support for more forms of intraplanetary and interplanetary travel |
Support for ground travel between sites |
Support for multiplayer ground/space travel |
Support for World Boundaries to allow cross planet ground travel |
Instanced Grass to Proteus Site A |
Color coding to Proficiency upgrades |
Sound to showing and hiding Repair Wireframes |
Sound to all Tools for affective interactions |
Support for Voice Log count alerts |
Upgraded OMPA and Mining Bot dust particles |
Support to show Creator in Private Universe Button |
Support to show storage amount on Item Icons |
Support for creatures to pause during cinematics |
6 Passenger seats to the Corsair |
"Empty" if Barrel has no contents |
Switched world loading to use Loading Screens and transition cinematics to improve game stability |
Increased size of Center Text Alerts |
Removed black border from Large Satelite Dish icon/TD>
Player physical material to be slippery on dynamic objects/TD>
Reduced volume on OMMA/TD>
Rotated ground UV's in Habitat to be square with the first Coupler/TD>
Reduced specularity on Hovercraft engines/TD>
Missions no longer reprompt after loading back in from save/TD>
Grass shader to Tint instead of HSL due to graphics glitches/TD>
Reduced specularity on Cryochamber glass/TD>
Avatar Selection button to display PLanet location instead of Server Name/TD>
Zer lighting is less bright/TD>
Zer is no longer low gravity/TD>
Workbench upgrades are no longer mutually exclusive/TD>
Switched out Makeshift Patch Tape with Makeshift Cloth Bundle in all buildable recipes to remove the need to find a Berry early on to build/TD>
Removed Berry collection objective from temporary Sample Plant Life mission/TD>
Increased resolution of collision for Rock 4 on Proteus 2/TD>
Increased sand depth to -1000 on terrain/TD>
Improved sand dunes material/TD>
Improved flying insect wing material/TD>
Spaceships no longer get lost during space travel |
Spacestations no longer get lost during space travel |
Vehicles should no longer become inoperable if another player joins the room while piloted |
Placement markers when placing buildables are now properly networked in multiplayer |
Zinc can now be found in trace mineral veins on Proteus 2 |
Repairable objects are now properly synced in multiplayer |
Vehicle headlights are now properly synced in multiplayer |
Remote pilot position for Buggie |
Passenger positioning in Buggie |
Changed Terrain materials to use distance settings on Terrain asset to eliminate texture patching |
Rigidbody interpolation to Player for smoother hovering |
Unintentional continuous weather syncing causing multiplayer slowdown |
Private universes should now properly be wiped when deleted |
Private Server button to show players in Universe and World |
Shower to properly clean player suit and give correct speed burst |
Remote weapons that were showing extra limbs |
Improved surface normals on Airlock model |
Cleaned up decal sorting and improved various materials for Furniture items |
Dropped/Spawned items now properly network their position to remote clients |
Spaceship engine rotations should now be properly networked |
Spaceship should now properly sync position while landing |
Passengers in the Buggie should no longer collide with the body of the vehicle while inside it |
When master client switches while a player is joining, new player should now properly load in |
Smoothed out spaceship engine syncing |
Spacestations should no longer get lost during travel |
Spaceship ramp state is now networked to all players |
Passengers in vehicles no longer collide with pilots on remote clients |
Jitter in First Person Helmet |
Planetside objects appearing while loading in Low Orbit |
Added fail safe on Meteor explosions |
Jitter in GUI |
Mipping on GUI textures |
Creatures should now sync much better during combat |
Remote players will no longer disappear when entering a spaceship interior or getting on an elevator |
Remote players piloting vehicles will no longer rubberband around the drivers seat |
Borders of Proteus 2 Site A sand dunes |
Remote seated players should now be visible |
Vehicle engine spamming the log in multiplayer |
Intermittent crashing on Zer |
Items aquired in and around the crashed pod can now be properly recycled withour relogging |
Patched the hole in Epsilon mine on Proteus 2 |
New private universes created or updated by their owner will now display the owners username |
Death is now properly synced in multiplayer |
Other players should no longer display as (Deceased) after they respawn in multiplayer |