Slider for controlling HUD opacity fade |
Outlines and drop shadows for vital warning |
Outlines and drop shadows to Mission header |
Sound to Level Up |
Sound to Stat increase buttons |
GAV driving lights now illuminate |
Names to Build Goal recipe icons |
Buggie driving lights now illuminate |
Mission title text color changed to a more readable color |
Removed wording in tutorial referencing "skittering noise" |
New characters now start with 3 stat points by default/TD>
Health stat points now offer 2 hit points per level/TD>
Stamina stat points now offer 2% increase from base per level/TD>
Speed stat points now offer 2% increase from base per level/TD>
Strength stat points now offer 10% increase in carry capacity from base per level/TD>
Increasing health stat points now heals the amount of hit points aquired/TD>
Temperature warning messages now display more accurate information/TD>
Set sound on Level Up to play when text is also shown/TD>
Set Level Meter to orange/TD>
Temperature Vital to color code the outside and suit temperature/TD>
Updated particle dust to handle lighting better/TD>
Set improved dust lighting on all vehicles/TD>
Buggie camera now has much larger range of motion/TD>
GAV camera now has much better range of motion/TD>
Buggie headlighting is now much improved/TD>
Matched particle lighting for some Proteus 2 plants/TD>
Improved driver sitting IK while in Buggie/TD>
Player Map icon to Green/TD>
Improved Zirconium material/TD>
Inventory Weight text label now reads Max Weight Multiplier in custom settings screen/TD>
Reenabled clock in HUD/TD>
Laboratory interact once again works as intended |
Player is no longer considered outside when walking between connected pressurized structures |
Buildables with upgrades dismantled after building them in the same session now properly refund all spent materials |
Large Radar Installation can now be properly interacted with |
Large Radar Installation now has 1500 hit points |
Funnel Leaf Tree can now be harvested with Sharp and Shearing tools |
Vital tooltips will no longer stick to the mouse after closing the menu |
Launch!!! button in character creation will now no longer sometimes read Update |
Update button in difficulty change menu will no longer sometimes read Launch!!! |
Removed proximity build requirements from buildable icons |
Locked buildables are no longer buildable when still locked |
Baked potato, Potato, Packaged Food, and Sand should no longer fall through the floor, and should be interactable |
Main menu and in-game settings panels are now at parity with one another |
All buildables can once again be dismantled |
Build goal can now display more types of recipes |
Build goal will no longer display outdated build information |
Changing HUD Opacity within the in-game settings will now properly apply without restarting |
Set suit temperature reading dial to accurately display |
Vital tool tip to turn off properly when leaving a menu |
Blur background in Mission Menu entries |
Error in Map System when travelling between planets |
Scorpion is now discoverable and harvestable when killed |
Collision on Spaceship ramp |
Some instances where creature corpses would teleport back to the surface after being harvested |
Sentry decal graphic glitch |
Potential fix for cursor remaining locked after returning to the main menu |
Center redicle circle no longer appears while driving a vehicle |
Extreme hot and cold outside temperature now stay within gauge readout |
Player hover dust now fades with hover height off ground |
Player no longer has look IK while driving a vehicle |