Added Hive Generated Prefab for DunGen |
Added Prefabs for Hives |
Added Materials for Hives
Added Tiles and Archetypes for Hives
Added DunGen Proteus Mine Prefab
Added Proteus 2 room prefabs
Added Dungeon Tiles to DunGen Generator
Added dust materials for proteus caves
Added Cave and Mine Meshes
Added First Pass Intro Cinematic
Added Scene, timelines, animation tracks
Added Debris Effects
Added Graphics Jobs for more optimizations
Added Laser Tool Added Diamond Tip Chisel
Added makeshift Chisel
Added Chisel Prefabs and Character Handling
Added Icons
Added materials for Chisels
Added Space Station Build Icons and Prefabs
Added a few space station materials
Added Trophies
Added Mushrooms
Added Alien Ruins
Added plant models, materials, textures and prefabs
Added build icons for space station
Added icons for plants, creatures, planets and droids |
Adding creature organ models, materials and prefabs
Added Space Station models and updated materials |
Added connected buildables functionality |
Added Automatic buildable re anchoring for fixed proteus 2 terrain heightmap
Added Base Randomizer tool to assist with repairable base generation
Added Support for exiting and loading into Low Orbit
Added warp console command is now operational on Proteus |
Added Repairable Habitat
Added Repairable Rover
Added build recipe display support to Center HUD
Added Dev Console for both players and devs in singleplayer or for private server owners.
Added main menu PPV
Added Custom Options back to singleplayer and private multiplayer and doubled the amount of tweakable options |
Added missing creature types to SpawnEvent CreatureType enumeration |
Added inline editor to CreatureHealth CreatureData field |
Added and configured prefab, Animation Controller, and CreatureData for new creature: Wasp |
Added and configured prefab, Animation Controller, and CreatureData for new creature: Bee |
Added and configured prefab, Animation Controller, and CreatureData for new creature: Fly |
Added and configured prefab, animation controller, and CreatureData for new creature:Mosquito |
Added and configured prefab, animation controller, and CreatureData for new creature: Dragonfly
Added spawn radius to CreatureZone |
Added CreatureZone template prefab
Added and configured waypoint patrol system and integrated into both Creature Zones and Behavior Trees.
Added endum with ProceduralLegManager changes
Added volume control to DroidSound audio cues
Added Console compiler flags Changed
Added support for going in and out of dungeons without a load screen
Added support for map icons to be shown on edge of map properly Changed
Added lots of dungeon level design tools for creating and pathfinding dungeons
Added support for dungeon weather and lighting without load screens |
Added support to display when a plant has been harvested in HUD
Added Title for each in game UI screen
Added Map panel Changed Field Guide to Discoveries
Added Defenses build Tab Added Space Station build Tab |
Added Underground build Tab |
Added Intro Cinematic |
Added Dungeon entrance and exit system |
Added new dungeon triggers in Proteus 2 B for testings |
Added Gizmos to Creature Zones
Added Editor controls for generating dungeons
Added Eye icons
Added Player Hiding Spot script
Added noise and vision detection readings
Added Hiding Spot system
Added Hiding Spots to Plants
Added dungeon creation system
Added build prerequisites for proper build order of Structures
Added polish on icon mouse over panel and right click panel
Added UI audio while in Cinematic mode
Added more detail when fading out audio during exit game
Added cinematic snow to Aziel
Added atmosphere to mines
Added wind sound to mines
Added Instant update to Main Menu terrain
Added foley ramp in on fade in and out
Added Instant updated to Terrain in Lutari and Aziel
Added fade in and out for all loading transitions
Added auto swinging to Melee Weapons
Added Redicle to Melee Weapons
Added support to send mode in Feedback Reports
Added cinematic snow in Main Menu Added Snow assets
Added Space PPV to Lutari |
Added Panic audio to Player
Added durability and hardness to Tactical Knife and Chisel
Added raycast to 3rd person combat Set 3rd person melee to attack towards center of frame
Added hardness system Added harness to all minerals |
Added flashing red icon to destroyed items Added chisel hardness detection |
Added harness to all melee weapons and tools |
Added proper subtitle for Utilities and Structures |
Added dynamic key interactions to Utilities |
Added math to determine proper placement of 3rd person hit collisions |
Added knockback particle effect handling
Adding Aerial Creature (Flying Skeliopod) and associated movement scripts
Added creature alert icon
Added health indicator to Spider |
Added health indicator to Skeliopod
Added health indicator to Parasyte |
Added health indicator to Snubs |
Added health indicator to Hybrid
Added health indicator to Minotaur |
Added health indicator to Giant Beetle |
Added health indicator to Giraffe |
Added curated scenario Creature Zones to Proteus 2 |
Added curated scenario Creature Zones to Aziel |
Added curated scenario Creature Zones to Lutari |
Added Transform List Size comparison Behavior Tree task |
Added variability function to SendMessage Behavior Tree task
Added Cancel Path Behavior Tree task |
Added dungeon settings to CreatureZones
Added and configured new Scarab enemy type
Added Cryotube prop and hab module crate asset
Added airlock repairable prefab
Added airlock repairable prefab
Added Password mission type |
Added vignette to GUI mode to make UI more readable |
Added blur to Main Menu bottom bar buttons
Added dynamic key interactions to Utilities
Added math to determine proper placement of 3rd person hit collisions |
Added variety to meteor impact sounds |
Adding Decal System Adding Decal Library |
Added Kill creature mission type |
Added Hacking mission type |
Added 3rd person hit pause with successful hit |
Added biodome repairable prefab |
Added Discovery system foundation |
Implemented Repairables system functionality, allowing ruins to be salvaged and repaired back to full operation
Implemented animation speed control for knockback in animation-driven creatures |
Implemented animation speed control for knockback in animation-driven creatures |
Committed missed Incremental Slider script |
Migrated Insects prefab package from beta branch |
Migrated/Implemented the following Behavior Tree functionality: Waypoint Patrol, Global Hit |
Migrated tail/tentacle plugin from beta branch |
Reaction, Alert Reaction (Roar), Entrances, Health Percentage Detection, Fleeing, Dynamic |
Bite Triggers |
Re-added PPV for Item Renderer |
Re-added Dev Console to GUI |
Moved Proteus 2 DunGen Tiles for GeneratorI |
Optimized icons for structures, vehicles, furniture, utilities |
Changed material for Module 1 |
Reduced glow on Spaceship Engines |
Reduced reentry audio volume |
Cleaned up Space Station Module project |
Adjusted space station materials |
Renamed custom option Resource Recharge to Mineral Respawn Rate to improve clarity
Icon optimization |
Normal difficulty Thirst and Hunger usage reduced by 20% |
Increased emission on the beacon material |
Tweaked Droid obstacle avoidance when in groups |
Tweaked Droid obstacle avoidance when in groups |
Reordered fade in order on establishing shot text |
Unlocked all buildables from their position grid |
Vehicles now settle with physics when spawned and flipped |
Spaceship can now be flipped |
Tuned chisel durability to be more in-line with other harvest tools |
Reduced fuel consumption on Rover and GAV |
Tweaked Extreme thirst and hunger drain |
Dungeons now count as a pressurized area for consuming food and water |
Upped TOD cycle slider to max out at 10x |
Increased climbable slope in Normal and Easy difficulties |
Doubled default TOD cycle length |
Extended weather system lengths except storm |
Storm now has a lower chance to damage the player by default |
Made knockback raycast length dynamic
Hooked current creature prey detection into PlayerControl detection meter |
Configured Crab Monster to add CreatureHealthIndicator
Adjusted Snubs' animation controller to use the correct speed variable |
Configured Crab Monster to use the new behavior tree base |
Configured Crab Monster to use available attack animations |
Configured Crab Monster to flee from the player when below 10% health
Configured Crab Monster to use dynamic bite triggers |
Adjusted Crab Monster agent locomotion and rotation |
Configured Moon Mantis to use the new behavior tree base |
Configured Moon Mantis to flee from the player when below 20% health |
Configured Moon Mantis to sprint toward the player when pursuing or fleeing |
Configured Moon Mantis to use dynamic bite triggers
Adjusted NatureObject/NatureFragment for Creature Zone compatibility |
Commented out legacy information pertaining to the prior iteration of Creature Zones in old AI scripts
Configured Skeliopod to use new tail/tentacle plugin |
Adjusted used Minotaur loot table to match the changes made to the legacy one |
Refined animation on Larvae creature
Changed Proteus 2 terrain splat improvements to read slopes |
Changed Proteus 2 terrain height is now more dramatic |
Changed occlusion for new terrain height |
Changed AStar cutting so now more optimal and allows for multiple graphs
Changed creature spawning triggers are now allowed in dungeon |
Changed loot |
Improved contrast and readability for in game UI menus |
Map is now in the HUD and no longer on the Locator |
Improved Mission tags and text to improve readability |
Changed overall in game UI polish |
Mission Complete tag is now top center and Improved |
Changed level Up alert now occurs after Mission Complete alert |
Improved contrast and readability for in game UI menus |
Changed stackable setting on Space Debris Chest |
Changed expanded HUD background width |
Increased Parasyte turning speed Reduced hearing radius of Mantis |
Reworked Dungen to keep prefabs |
Changed increased resolution of Small Solar Panel textures |
Adjusted Reflections in Mine |
Set Pop Up to Right side of screen |
Changed BuildDiety to a God reference |
Changed hover to allow mid jump hovers if hover fuel is available |
Adjustments to layout in Main Menu |
Changed hit speed in 3rd person up to 0.5 from 0.1 |
Made glitch FX a singleton |
Changed durability to no longer destroy items |
Changed repair to be more simplified when repairing structures |
Plants now emit fx on each hit |
Improved textures and materials for Structures and Utilities |
Set flashing wall interaction to match highlighter pulsing |
3rd Person melee is now zoomed in for third person |
Stamina penalty now has slow jog instead of forced walk |
Improved hit sounds |
Improved hit sparks |
Improved chisel swing animation |
More interaction on Reticle system |
Creatures are now forced to knock back when hit |
Improved meteor sounds |
Repair Tool material improvements |
Set all textures to be more optimal |
Optimized textures |
Set Texture settings for more optimal texture memory |
Changing rendering to Deferred for better depth buffer handling |
Rebalanced hovercraft fuel consumption |
Improved harvest rate of Barrels |
Increased capacity of Glass Container to 100 units of liquid |
Normalized vehicle refuel amount from both the tanks and player interaction |
Enemies now spawn much less frequently and their spawn numbers are further limited in Normal and Easy difficulties |
Reduced fog in rain storm on Proteus |
Clean up mine design systems |
Softened walk to Idle in 3rd Person |
Set Plant triggers to off after harvest |
Improved plant hit FX for all Proteus plants |
Set all textures to be more optimal |
Optimized all minerals |
Optimized Structures with LODs |
Reenabled creature zones on Proteus |
Repairable system functionality complete |
Repairable system functionality complete |
Repairables system is fully functional with locations added for Proteus 2 |
Adjusted Snubs' hearing and vision radius |
Updated Unity Connect Settings adding support for error logs |
Updated Atmosphere in Beta Mine |
Updated all PhotonViews with proper view IDs |
Updated art in Alpha Mine |
Updated GAV materials and projectile sound |
Updated death message UI |
Updated build version warning UI on Main Menu |
Updated Repair Droid spark sound volume |
Updated Airlock Texture |
Updated airlock albedo texture and emissive |
Updated Large Ring Optimized Mesh for Ring Module |
Updated item Ingot Renderer Scene |
Updated Item Render |
Updated Item Renderer PPV |
Updated Cave meshes and Prefabs for DunGen Layout |
Updated Crypt Layout for DunGen |
Fixed null on Audio for FX Handler |
Fixed tree material |
Fixed Spacestation objects being disabled by default |
Fixed Instance where loading screens could incorrectly delete persistent objects |
Fixed Some instances where Mouse and Input would pause every few seconds for some players |
Fixed Dev console can now spawn more than 1 Item |
Fixed Crash Site pod panels now properly persist |
Fixed Exiting during the tutorial properly restarts the tutorial |
Fixed extendable structure ramps |
Fixed Stackable Object rotation |
Fixed Take All button in crafting tables |
Fixed Mouse and Input that would pause every few seconds for some players |
Fixed Dev console can now spawn more than 1 Item |
Fixed Crash Site pod panels now properly persist |
Fixed Exiting during the tutorial properly restarts the tutorial |
Bug Fix Handling feature discrepancies |
Fixed Abilities are no longer required to build Utilities
Bug Fix Build compilation fix for TilePlacmentData |
Fixed Abilities are no longer required to build Utilities |
Fixed back left wall in barracks no longer places furniture outside |
Fixed Feedback panel no longer fails when sending special characters |
Fixed Glass Container and Barrel can now deposit any leftovers into tanks |
Fixed GUI by unhooking compass prefab in GUI so it doesn't lose references |
Fixed Nature object syncing preventing loading |
Fixed Nature object syncing preventing loading |
Fixed Mission system not initializing when starting a new character (GUI prefab, set MissionPanel gameobject active) |
Fixed Vehicle ownership string updating |
Fixed Minerals now respawn as intended with Resource Recharge (now Mineral Respawn Rate) custom option |
Fixed tanks inventory not properly saving |
Fixed autocomplete on dev console for Barrels and Glass Containers |
Fixed Barracks and Habitat joint connections |
Fixed temporary crafting bug |
Fixed some issues cuisine players to get stuck getting into and out of the mines in multiplayer after performing space travel |
Fixed more issues with singletons not getting registered after a scene load |
Fixed some networking issues concerning players travelling between planets that already have players on the surface |
Fixed a cause of massive FPS drop in multiplayer |
Fixed numerous saving issues with spaceships and remote players |
Fixed issue causing players to lose control of their spaceship during spaceflight, causing them to be thrown into deep space with no way to recover |
Fixed an error caused by leaving a planet inhabited by pathfinding AI |
Fixed first time load issues |
Fixing issues with skydome scaling and space planet positioning |
Fixed Liquid and Gas Tanks |
Fixed more buildable manager legacy code issues |
Fixed combat knife durability usage to be more inline with other melee weapons of a similar tier |
Fixed 0 hardness on Conduit Bender |
Fixed 0 hardness on Pickaxe |
Fixed many instances of legacy data migration issues, hopefully fixing 58% stuck on load issues, hopefully fixing "oops couldn't load your world please try again" issues |
Fixed checksum handling, this fixes some cases of the saving loading issues |
Fixed enemy spawn amounts to properly scale with universe options and to not be unintentionally limited |
Fixed some Saving and Loading stability issues |
Feedback panel now retries up to 5 times when a bug fails transmission |
Feedback panel will now not clear the previous bug settings when the previous transmission failed |
Fixed slightly offset panels on Laboratory |
Fixed Main Menu not loading properly after getting disconnected |
Fixed Require Pressurization to Eat |
Fixed issue with Ally map not getting updated causing the turret to still fire at allies |
Fixed enemy syncing in multiplayer (enemies should no longer teleport around) |
Fixed collision on Colossus beetle |
More debug for Disconnect to Main Menu |
Fixed Ammo boxes in mines, loot table is fixed and temporary until balancing pass reaches them |
Fixed spaceship duplication issues |
Fixed a bug that would cause ID mismatches and could cause any number of issues with buildables in multiplayer |
Turrets should no longer target Allies |
Panels on the escape pod should no longer respawn when reloading the world |
Fixed Skeliopod repath issue |
Fixed Player ground friction to prevent sliding |
Fixed Skeliopod ragdoll not going underground |
Fixed Discovery mission type |
Fixed Build object mission type |
Fixed Key card mission type |
Fixed Raiding mission type |
Fixed Collecting mission type |
Fixed Inventory button rollovers |
Fixed black barrel material |
Fixed extendable structure ramps |
Fixed Stackable Object rotation |
Fixed Take All button in crafting tables |
Fixed Workbench does not require power |
Fixed all mine stairs |
Fixed terrain in mines |
Fixed Melee Distance on weapons in 3rd Person |
Fix to Jump Idle Fix to forward thrust after leaving spaceship while in space |
Fixed Space distance on all Persistent Scenes |
Fix to camera far distance settings Fix to fossil collision and pathfinding |
Fix to Stackable Object rotation |
Removed blur focus from build events |
RBrought in minimum build distance to 2M |
More fixes to 3rd person movement stuttering Balanced stamina settings to 0.9 as default |
Polished Pistol first person springs Removed slow down when looking down sights when holding a gun |
Fixed 3rd person melee animation when walking from idle |
Fixed sound radius on Droid Repair |
Fixed invisible collision in craters of Lutari |
Fixed Lutari Low Orbit |
Fixed low gravity movement speed |
Fixed infinite terrain in Lutari causing frame hitches |
Fixed infinite terrain in Lutari causing frame hitches |
Fixed Aziel disappearing in Low Orbit |
Fixed particles showing on Aziel surface from space |
Fixed hover landing in first person |
Fixed display weather only on Planet |
Fixed shovelling from crouch in 3rd Person |
Fixed jumping from crouch |
Fixed Glitch option |
Fixed Gas Tank trigger blocking other triggers |
Fixed solid green lab wall on interact |
Possible fix for Timeout with Main Menu UI |
Fixed Feedback when not added a screenshot |
Fixed Repair Droid repair sound |
Fixed Run Reticle size |
Fixed overblown depth of field on establishing shot |
Fixed distance rendering in Main Menu |
Addressed every exception reported by our internal error reporting, potentially fixing many crashes, potentially fixing many intermittent bugs |
Removed rain sound on Aziel |
Disable Barracks foundation |
Collider is now disabled on branches when it is harvested |
Removed renderers from colliders on vehicles |
Objects no longer appear on the surface of the planet when in low orbit |
Oxygen is no longer in space |
Disabling TOD Camera's automatic skydome scaling |
Disabled landing animation in First Person |
Removed Editor script for Map Icons |
Removed disable of Barracks foundation |
Removed Skill Tree locks for crafting Structures and Utilities |
Removed Sentry from Main Menu |
Removed pick up animation |
Removed Listener management |
Removed convex collider from Potato |
Removed space thurst debug info |
Removed Jump Idle Start from Player Movement |
Removed Distance Asteroids from Proteus 2 Low Orbit |
Removing debug text from build |
Removing unneeded Debug Logs |
Removed rain sound on Aziel |