Added Space Station modules are now buildable in Low Orbit |
Added New Repairables system that adds repairable/salvageable wrecks around the world |
Added Discoveries system for plants and creatures |
Added Creature Health Indicators
Added New Dungeon system on Proteus2 |
Aerial Creature (Flying Skeliopod) and associated movement scripts |
Added New Dungeon teleport system to remove the need for loading screens for dungeons |
Added Support for exiting and loading into Low Orbit |
Support for exiting to the main menu in Dungeons |
Added Space Utilities are now buildable in Low Orbit |
Added Habitat Module |
Added Airlock Module |
Added Hallway Module |
Added Window Module |
Added Observation Module |
Added Navigation Module |
Added Communications Module |
Added Skylights Module |
Added Power Module |
Added Auxiliary Module |
Added Biosphere Module |
Added Hub Module |
Added Ring Module |
Added Engine Module |
Added Solar Array |
Added Cryo pod |
Added lockers
Added Biosphere bins |
Added auto crouch for climbing slopes |
Added Repairable bases that spawn randomly around Proteus2 when a world is created |
Added Curated scenario Creature Zones to Proteus 2 |
Added Curated scenario Creature Zones to Aziel |
Added Curated scenario Creature Zones to Lutari |
Added New Creature Wasp |
Added New Creature Bee |
Added New Creature Fly |
Added New Creature Mosquito |
New Creature Dragonfly |
Added Map system is now in upper HUD |
Added missing Map Screen in UI |
Added Automatic buildable re-anchoring for fixed proteus 2 terrain heightmap |
Added Toggle option for First Person Helmet |
Added More Lead and Carbon on Proteus 2 surface |
Added Defenses build tab for walls and turrets, etc |
Added Space Station build tab |
Added Space Utilities build tab |
Added Underground build tab |
Added Repairable Habitat |
Added Repairable Airlock |
Added Repairable Rover |
Added Repairable Biodome |
Added Repairable Hallway |
Added Repairable Repair Droid |
Added Build recipe display support on center HUD |
Added Warp debug command functionality for points of interest on Proteus 2 |
Added sProteus 2 dungeon tiles |
Added Dust materials for Proteus 2 caves |
Added Cave and Mine meshes |
Added Support to display when a plant has been harvested in HUD |
Added Prefabs for Hives |
Added Materials for Hives |
Tiles and Archetypes for Hives |
Updated Crypt Layout |
Added Hive Generated Prefab |
Added Health indicator to Crab Monster |
Added Health indicator to Claws |
Added Health indicator to Spider |
Added Health indicator to Skeliopod |
Added Health indicator to Crab Snubs |
Added Health indicator to Hybrid |
Added Health indicator to Minotaur |
Added Health indicator to Giant Beetle |
Added Health indicator to Giraffe |
Added Creature alert icon |
Added Hooked current creature prey detection into PlayerControl detection meter |
Added Kill creature mission type |
Added Hacking mission type |
Added Password mission type |
Added Support for map icons to be shown on edge of map properly |
Added foley ramp in on fade in and out
Added Support for dungeon weather and lighting without load screens |
Added Connected buildable's functionality |
Added Huge art pass on Proteus 2 |
Added New biomes around Proteus 2 |
Added 8 new kinds of foliage on Proteus 2 |
Added Bioluminescent foliage on Proteus 2 |
Added Grass to various areas on Proteus 2 |
Added Rare and Specific minerals around the surface of Proteus 2 |
Added Improved sand dunes on Proteus 2 |
Added Improved first-person melee detection |
Added Support for Creatures to despawn when out of range of all players |
Added New soundtrack music |
Added Voice Logs screen to UI |
Added New icons for Space Station Bin, Cryopod, and Lockers |
Added Compass and Map icon to Hover Craft |
Added Custom Resolution options in the main menu |
Added Support for picking up Voice Log items |
Added Waypoint alignment option to CreatureZones |
Added Behavior override options to CreatureZones |
Added Spawn chance settings to CreatureZones |
Added Adjusted all existing creature prefabs for compatibility with Creature Zones |
Added Adjusted handling for CreatureZone waypoint alignment in dungeons |
Added Furnace Precipitation Collector Upgrade |
Added Furnace Water Distillery Upgrade |
Added Furnace Fuel Cell Upgrade |
Added Furnace Low Heat Upgrade |
Added Forge High-Precision Upgrade |
Added Printer Weapon Fabrication Upgrade |
Added WorkBench Repair Table Upgrade |
Added WorkBench Tool Station Upgrade |
Added WorkBench Suit Station Upgrade |
Added Fabricator High-Tech upgrade |
Added Fabricator Suit Augmentation Upgrade |
Added Kitchen Chef Upgrade |
Added Many new craftable alloy items |
Added 6al-4v |
Added Brass |
Added Bronze |
Added Cast Iron |
Added Duralumin |
Added Dymalloy |
Added Electrum |
Added Ferrochrome |
Added Gunmetal |
Added Megnalium |
Added Ni-Cr |
Added Talonite |
Added Zamak |
Added Zircaloy |
Added Plants and Creatures now drop different items depending on tool used for harvesting them |
Added Alien Blood |
Added Alien Fiber |
Added Alien Hide |
Added Insect Parts |
Added Alien Organs |
Added Alien Tissue |
Added New Multi-Tool variants that help repairing/salvaging gameplay's earlier progression stages |
Added Survival Tool |
Added Crab Screwdriver |
Added Makeshift Screwdriver |
Added Wrench |
New Broken, Scrap, and Found items to give better depth to the early game of salvaging |
Added Broken Barrel |
Added Broken Circuit Board |
Added Broken Circuit Board |
Added Broken Wire |
Added Broken Hose |
Added Broken Glass |
Added Broken Computer Screen |
Added Scrap Cloth |
Added Scrap Hinge |
Added Plastic |
Added Rubber |
Added Fuel Cell |
Added Propellant Tank |
Added Plastic |
Added New Makeshift tier of items, bettering the early game straight out of the crash site |
Added Survival Knife |
Added Crude Metal Blade |
Added Crude Metal Sword |
Added Crude Pipe |
Added Crude Pipe |
Added Makeshift Cloth Bundle |
Added Shaped Crab Antenna |
Added Stone Shovel Head |
Added Many other new items to better round out progression |
Added Adhesive |
Added Berry Juice |
Added Blaster Cell |
Added Botany Kit |
Added Chromium |
Added Computer Screen |
Added Cooked Crab Egg |
Added Cooked Orcek Egg |
Added Crab Stew |
Added Explosive |
Added Hose |
Added Methane |
Added Molybdenum |
Added PowerCell |
Added Quartz |
Added Silver |
Added Sponge Tools |
Added Steamed Carrots |
Added Sulfur |
Added Zinc |
Added Uranium |
Added Proteus Dungeons have been updated to be functional once again |
Added Proper height and normal atlas for dungeon material |
Added More room variety to mines |
Added Depth-based algorithm to dungeon system |
Added Weight, Hardness, and Damage icons to item description Hint |
Added New fuel system currently in use on the Furnace |
Added New loot table system |
Added Loot table for wreckage loot crates |
Added Loot crates are now scattered through ruined bases |
Added Gatherable Methane puddles around Proteus |
Added Puddles now change height |
Added More Oxygen and Hydrogen geysers on Proteus, as they are essential for water production |
Added Loose Diamonds were missing in the world, they have been added where intended |
Added Slope based velocity for improved slope traversal |
Added New Buildable Upgrade System, allowing upgrades/attachments for utilities and furniture |
Added Intro Cinematic |
Added Skip to Intro Cinematic |
Added Biodome wreckage loot crates have a chance to spawn from loot tables |
Proteus 2 terrain height is now more dramatic |
Minerals will be respawned once for saves created before version 4.551 |
Updated Proteus 2 Missions |
Map is now in the HUD and no longer on the Locator |
Improved contrast and readability for in-game UI menus |
Player ground friction improvement to prevent sliding |
Proteus 2 terrain splat improvements to read slopes |
Increased parasite turning speed |
Reduced hearing radius of Mantis |
Mission Complete tag is now top center and improved |
Level Up alert now occurs after Mission Complete alert |
Starting missions clean up to use F1 to reflect the new UI schema |
Occlusion for new terrain height |
AStar cutting is now more optimal and allows for multiple graphs |
Creature spawning triggers are now allowed in dungeons |
Tweaked fog on Proteus 2 |
Tweaked Extreme thirst and hunger drain |
Expanded HUD background width |
Added vignette to GUI mode to make UI more readable |
Improved Mission tags and text to improve readability |
Overall in-game UI polish |
Updated aims for Moon Mantis |
Improved Mission readability |
Adjustments to textures on Proteus 2 |
Refinement and optimization of soundtrack controller |
Large Solar Panel can now satisfy the Small Solar Panel build requirement for Hab |
Improvements to Colossus movement |
Heartbeat now only plays during stamina penalty |
Slightly increased size of colliders on insects |
Size of Wasp creature |
Oxygen display name is now O2 from O |
Chlorine display name is now Cl2 from Cl |
Nitrogen display name is now N2 from N |
Methane display name is now CH4 from O (was unset after copy from oxygen) |
Fluorine display name is now F2 from Fl |
Plutonium is now an Alloy |
Improved all pathfinding in the mines |
Player no longer respawns with any default items
Player now spawns with a Survival Knife and Tool in the initial Crash Site |
Repairing and Salvaging wrecked bases now provides engineering proficiency |
Adjustments to Flying Skeliopod default wander radius |
Meteor now properly drops Uranium instead of Plutonium |
Optimized colliders on Berry and RedBerry so they don't fall through the ground as often |
Ruined structures no longer appear on the map when off the edge of the minimap |
Plants, Trees, and Creatures now show radial progress bar when harvesting |
Updated many item descriptions to be more descriptive |
Improved skinning of the player when crouching |
Updated crouch animation |
Updated foot IK to reduce strange foot rotations |
Improved all weapon spring movement in first person |
Updated occlusion culling for Proteus 2 B |
Progression and Economy reworked, matching new economy and progression systems |
All Utility recipes have been updated to fit the new economic system |
Furnace now requires fuel |
Improved Proteus 2 low orbit art |
Updated Skill Tree to first pass Proficiency Tree |
Updated Main Menu with Space Station theme |
Increased the size of all current storage utilities and furniture |
When a rare weapon drops in a loot table, ammo is included |
Hunger and Thirst can be overfilled when consuming items |
Tweaked item food values to accompany new hunger/thirst cap |
Fuel Cell max stack is now 5 |
Propellant Tank can now stack to 5 |
Guns can no longer be reloaded when at maximum ammo |
Liquids and Gasses added to inventory will now prioritize existing containers |
Ingots from the previous economic system have been converted into ore counterparts |
Pick Axe now has a Hardness value of 10 and requires a Diamond to craft |
Chisels now have Hardness value written in their description |
Ferrochrome alloy no longer requires zirconium |
Broken Circuit Boards now have a rare chance to spawn in wreckage loot crates |
Multi-Tools can now be dropped from inventory |
Lowered the drop rate of the Survival Tool and Survival Knife in the wreckage loot table |
Weight description on items now displays total stack weight |
Multiplayer world persistence is now properly saved on the exit |
Improved player animation controller, improving overall player movement feel in both first and third-person |
Jittery first person with sprinting |
Workbench does not require power |
Black barrel material |
Skeliopod ragdoll not going underground on loot |
Terrain no longer renderers when in Low Orbit |
Logging out in dungeons once again properly places the player on the planet surface at the entrance when logging back in |
Raiding mission type |
Collecting mission type |
Key card mission type |
Build object mission type |
Discovery mission type |
Skeliopod re-path issue |
Inventory button rollovers |
Stackable setting on Space Debris Chest |
Updated airlock materials |
Logging out in space now properly saves your location |
Spaceship should no longer get stuck in space if throttled low when exiting the planet |
Chat now works as intended in multiplayer |
Reworked player ground sticky code to allow for improved traversal |
Liquid and Gas names are no longer truncated in crafting menus |
Creatures now have correct colliders improving first person combat |
Voice Log UI functionality updates |
Fixed player animation set, eliminating stuttering by holding weapons |
Proximity highlighter now work on all items |
Creatures can no longer walk through placed objects |
Heat areas no longer persist after they have been disabled |
Fixed a few more cloud save system stability issues |
Tin material is no longer missing |
Collision detection for aerial creature wandering task |
Objects hidden underground in the sand dunes |
Dismantling a buildable now provides the upgraded component recipes |
Test mode now only provides the resources when actually building something |
Loot crates in wreckages are now properly salvageable when empty |
Water can no longer be seen from orbit |
Loot crates now properly spawn their contents |
Structure variants now have properly updated recipes to fit the new progression |
Lutari and Aziel terrain should now properly appear when reentering the atmosphere |
Holes at end of dungeon rooms and hallways |
Support for creatures to not kick up dust while in dungeons |
Stamina from being used when trying to sprint on a slope |
Walls AI collision increased, preventing creatures from walking through wall placements |
Crafting vehicles in the laboratory no longer requires the ability to be unlocked |
Items requiring an upgrade are no longer buildable without said upgrade |
Some jittering on the camera in some instances |
Removed untextured blocks within mines |
Building in the mines and hives now works as intended |
Plants and trees should now drop items for more harvest types |
Meteor can now be mined for Uranium instead of Plutonium |
Both Shields are now placeable, no longer has 2 entries for CircuitBoard |
Upper Story Habitat is now palpable, no longer has 2 entries for Brass |
Dyno recipe has been updated to contain a proper reagent |
Fluorescence recipe has been updated to use mercury properly |
Colossus body harvest colliders have been increased in size to match his model |
Cobalt Pistol can now use Blaster Cells |
Spelling errors in Zamak Description |
Hardness values on other planet minerals |
Player movement animations now properly network to remote clients |
Small gap in the walls on the barracks |
Chem light is once again light and brightens the area |
Satellite Dish Large can now be dismantled as intended |
When dismantling objects the full build cost should now be refunded |
Storage items should now properly sort based on their contents |
Upgrades now removes build cost from inventory |
Items should no longer spawn under the crash pod |
Water Reclaimer is now operational and its contents are persistent |
Harvested Liquids and Gasses will alert no container found if none are in the inventory |
Guns will now load first applicable ammo type found in the inventory |
Fuel Cell upgrade for the furnace now works as intended |
Furniture can now be built as intended |
Mineral hardness values to unblock progression |
Crude Metal Sword now works as intended |
Upgrading utilities are now properly networked to other players and saved in multiplayer |
Botany Kit no longer pushes the player backward when wielded |
Airlock is now properly buildable without an incorrect recipe entry |
Fabricator is now properly buildable without an incorrect recipe entry |
Blaster Cell is now usable in the Pistol as intended |
Elida creature is now harvestable |
Repairable Habitat no longer requires Aluminum Ingots |
Laboratory is now buildable with the resources displayed in the menu |
Aziel and Lutari minerals now have proper hardness values |
Crafting tables no longer take 2 opens to load |
Crab Scythe now has a hardness of 1.5 |
Optimized all Space Station texture memory |
Circuit Board recipe in the Printer that required quartz |
Single mineral Ingots now replaced by alloys created by combining various minerals |
Advanced Fabricator (now a Fabricator Upgrade) |
Standalone Repair Table (now a WorkBench upgrade) |
Furnace Water Collector (replaced by various upgrades) |
Slope sliding when the slope is about max slope range |
Disabling structure coloring until proper interface and data are set up |