Added Roar animation to Arachnoid |
Added HarvestableSegment to Arachnoid head |
Added Server completion date to avatar save game |
Added Count down to upper corner of UI in multiplayer modes to show Cycle Time Remaining |
Added Hit reaction animations to Hybrid |
Added Icon for makeshift Screw Driver and Prefab |
Added Support to remove spaceship and asteroid collision during travel transitions |
Added Hover Mode to Spaceship control |
Added Support for mouse rotation to Space Ship while in Hover Mode |
Added WASD to move Space Ship while in Hover Mode |
Added Orbit cam to Space Ship while in Hover Mode |
Added Orbit cam to Space Ship while in Flight |
Added Orbit cam to Space Ship while in Low Orbit |
Added Ramp collision sham to improve fluidly entering and exiting the spaceship via the ramp |
Added Boundary forces on Space Ship to prevent leaving playable area |
Added New tutorial missions that also maintain story immersion |
Added Recipe in Forge to meltdown Scrap Metal into Aluminum |
Added Recipe in Printer to weave makeshift cloth bundles into ClothBundles with additional Alien Fiber |
Added Support for text narration to missions |
Added New tutorial missions that also maintain story immersion |
Added Recipe in Forge to meltdown Scrap Metal into Aluminum |
Added Recipe in Printer to weave makeshift cloth bundles into ClothBundles with more AlienFiber |
Added Charred Alien Bits recipe to the furnace for early game meat food |
Added Support for text narration to missions |
Added UI Polish Pass on in Game GUI |
Added UI Polish pass on Main Menu |
Added Buggie vehicle |
Added Wrecked Buggies around Proteus 2 available for repair or salvage |
Added Vehicle Upgrade system first implemented on new Buggie |
Added Buggie Active Scanner Upgrade |
Added Buggie Fuel Reactor Upgrade |
Added Buggie Tank Hauler Upgrade |
Added Buggie Cargo Hauler Upgrade |
Added Small Radar Dish utility |
Added Beacons, Habitats, and Storage containers can now be nicknamed |
Added Additional ore clusters into the Dunes surrounding the continent on Proteus 2 |
Added Pause system to the Menu Options screen |
Added Key Bindable support for all menu screens |
Added Support to change map heading rotation lock |
Added Updated Workbench Build Icon Animation |
Added Support for vehicles in the new fuel system |
Added Support for multiple inventories on vehicles |
Added Improved interact UI for liquid and gas inventories |
Added Vehicles destroyed will now spawn their repairable form if available |
Added Grilled Alien Meat recipe to Kitchen |
Added Makeshift Cloth Bundle recipe to Printer |
Added Makeshift Laser Chisel to the workbench |
Added Slightly slower MakeShiftClothBundle recipe to the workbench for earlier automated crafting |
Added Compass and Minimap icons for Buggie, GAV, and Rover |
Added Small resource clusters for critical resources on Proteus 2 that had one large cluster before |
Added Panning to map while in Map Mode |
Added Improved Laboratory build animation and FX |
Added Updated Laboratory Build interface to be more consistent with other crafting stations |
Added Additional interaction buttons to Crafting tables for Repair and Fuel Inputs where applicable |
Added Warp unstuck command to dev console |
Added Species system and associated setup functions in CreatureHealth and IK system scripts |
Added Species system settings |
Added Aim target settings and associated functions for creatures to utilize in behavior tasks |
Added Species selection control to CreatureZones |
Added Settings and associated control to ProceduralLegHub and ProceduralLegManager |
Added Projectile attack handling to creatures |
Added Expanded creature behavior systems to allow selection between melee and projectile attacks |
Added Expanded movement behavior tasks for automatic switching between walking and sprinting |
Added Cases to Seek/Attack Circle behavior tasks to allow for more fluid task switching |
Added Settings to Pursue behavior tasks to allow for single targeting and target offset for creatures |
Added New textures/materials for select creature species |
Added Configured Scorpion creature and added to Lutari |
Added Animation events for stepping and attacking to all applicable attack animations |
Added Increased spider animations in use |
Added Mouse Wheel zooming to Map Screen |
Added Interaction to all map icons in Map Screen |
Added Latitude and Longitude lines to Map |
Added Support to pan map at a proper speed based on zoom level |
Added Support for map items to pulse |
Added Radar scanning radius for the player - shown as white radar sweep |
Added Radar sweeps to satellite dishes set to proper radii |
Added Improved Resource Scanning while in Map Screen |
Added Support to display how many resources are found in a scan |
Added Animation to Small Satellite Dish |
Added Each species is now discoverable, discovery popup support is WIP |
Added Set Space Debris to be selectable in Map Screen |
Added Set Pod Stages to be selectable when in Map Screen |
Added Navigation Module allows Space Station and passengers to travel between Zer and Proteus 2 |
Added Zer Planet |
Added Deep Terrain Drill |
Added Dungeons to Aziel Lutari and Zer |
Added Lutari and Aziel Dungeon Room Prefabs |
Added Minerals to all Dungeons |
Added Updated Aziel and Lutari Maps with more rocks, foliage, geysers, and Base Objects |
Added Creatures to Proteus 2: Aracheetle, Wingedling, Squitozoid |
Added Added creatures to Zer |
Added Functionality to enter and pilot spaceship |
Added Spaceship ramp functionality |
Added InteractObject feature to allow any interaction with any design object |
Added Completely reworked aerial creature functionality and updated creatures as necessary |
Added Warp debug command now supports warping between moons and planets |
Added Wreckage variant of drill that spawns when the Deep Terrain Drill is destroyed |
Added Deep Terrain Drill icon |
Added New custom models to many of the minerals |
Added Updated Items for minerals |
Added Updated item icons for structures and mineral items |
Added Updated plant prefabs with a proper name |
Added Space Station now has red lights throughout that display when it is preparing for travel |
Added Navigation Module allows Space Station and passengers to travel between Zer and Proteus 2 |
Added Zer Planet |
Added Deep Terrain Drill |
Added Dungeons to Aziel Lutari and Zer |
Added Lutari and Aziel Dungeon Room Prefabs |
Added Minerals to all Dungeons |
Added Updated Aziel and Lutari Maps with more rocks, foliage, geysers, and Base Objects |
Added Creatures to Proteus 2: Aracheetle, Wingedling, Squitozoid |
Added Added creatures to Zer |
Alien Fiber |
Added Functionality to enter and pilot spaceship |
Added Spaceship ramp functionality |
Added interactObject feature to allow any interaction with any design object |
Added Completely reworked aerial creature functionality and updated creatures as necessary |
Added Warp debug command now supports warping between moons and planets |
Added Wreckage variant of drill that spawns when the Deep Terrain Drill is destroyed |
Added Deep Terrain Drill icon |
Added New custom models to many of the minerals |
Added Updated Items for minerals |
Added Updated item icons for structures and mineral items |
Added Updated plant prefabs with proper name |
Added Space Station now has red lights throughout that display when it is preparing for travel |
Added Species system and associated setup functions in CreatureHealth and IK system scripts |
Added Species system settings |
Added Aim target settings and associated functions for creatures to utilize in behavior tasks |
Added Species selection control to CreatureZones |
Added Settings and associated control to ProceduralLegHub and ProceduralLegManager |
Added Projectile attack handling to creatures |
Added Expanded creature behavior systems to allow selection between melee and projectile attacks |
Added Expanded movement behavior tasks for automatic switching between walking and sprinting |
Added Cases to Seek/Attack Circle behavior tasks to allow for more fluid task switching |
Added Settings to Pursue behavior tasks to allow for single targeting and target offset for creatures |
Added New textures/materials for select creature species |
Added Configured Scorpion creature and added to Lutari |
Added Animation events for stepping and attacking to all applicable attack animations |
Added Increased spider animations in use |
Added Mouse Wheel zooming to Map Screen |
Added Interaction to all map icons in Map Screen |
Added Latitude and Longitude lines to Map |
Added Support to pan map at a proper speed based on zoom level |
Added Support for map items to pulse |
Added Radar scanning radius for the player - shown as white radar sweep |
Added Radar sweeps to satellite dishes set to proper radii |
Added Improved Resource Scanning while in Map Screen |
Added Support to display how many resources are found in a scan |
Added Animation to Small Satellite Dish |
Added Each species is now discoverable, discovery popup support is WIP |
Added Set Space Debris to be selectable in Map Screen |
Cooked Oreck Egg |
Added Set Pod Stages to be selectable when in Map Screen |
Added Panning to map while in Map Mode |
Added Improved Laboratory build animation and FX |
Added Updated Laboratory Build interface to be more consistent with other crafting stations |
Added Additional interaction buttons to Crafting tables for Repair and Fuel Inputs where applicable |
Added Warp unstuck command to dev console |
FOV on Main Menu camera |
Updated materials for Foliage and Minerals |
Updated Icons for New Planet foliage and some custom pieces |
Updated some map icons to have specialized icons |
Reduced Bloom intensity amount |
Tweaked Nickel material to appear more metallic |
Moved Asteroids in Proteus 2 low orbit to be out of the way during travel transitions |
Moved diamond chisel recipe location in workbench menu to improve visibility |
Moved pickaxe and conduit bender to forge high precision upgrade to reduce their visibility |
Updated Dull Survival Knife description |
Optimized gameplay sounds/TD>
Further improved slope traversal |
Minor UI Polish in Main Menu |
Levels adjustments on fruit icons |
Moved diamond chisel recipe location in workbench menu to improve visibility |
Moved pickaxe and conduit bender into forge high precision upgrade, reducing visibility |
Updated Dull Survival Knife description |
Optimized gameplay sounds |
Further improved slope traversal |
Minor UI Polish in Main Menu |
Levels adjustments on fruit icons |
Optimized all UI icons |
Map zoom hotkey info to explore mission dialogue |
Public multiplayer servers should now have resource recharge enabled |
Giant Worms no longer require a dust storm to spawn, effectively reenabling them |
Increased passive thirst usage |
Increased sprint thirst usage |
CircuitBoard repair recipe now only takes 1 broken circuit board |
Diamond Chisel no longer requires the Tool Station upgrade to craft |
Fern Tree Berries of both colors will no longer roll, making them easier to gather |
Reduced default vehicle fuel consumption |
Minor texture optimizations |
Darkened Mini Map background and lightened Player Heading |
Optimized Workbench Mesh |
Tweaked Low Heat Upgrade on Furnace to be less expensive |
Rock Outcropping materials have been updated to be less metallic |
Reduced speed buff effect on Shower |
Adjusted grass distance in Graphics Settings |
Lowered cost of Hab Cloth walls and Roof |
Lessened placement restrictions on defensive walls |
Lead is now dropped from the Crashed Pod Bottom Section's heat shield |
Updated all minerals and alloys to have a scientifically accurate description |
Swapped out Tin on Gunmetal alloy recipe for Molybdenum |
Renamed Electrum to White Gold and switched recipe to 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Nickel |
Renamed Ni-Cr to Nichrome |
Glass Container now requires 2 Aluminum instead of 1 Zamak |
Updated Heat Sink Unit recipe to use Nichrome |
Ni-Cr now properly requires Chromium instead of Carbon to be scientifically accurate |
Renamed Carbon to Lonsdaleite and changed hardness and density |
Scrap Metal to Aluminum recipe in forge changed to cost 2 Scrap Metal per Aluminum |
Chisel moved from Forge to Workbench to further clarify tool progression |
All users in private universes can now use the dev console, not only the owner |
Hose recipe now takes 1 Iron and 2 Rubber |
Moved Chisel progression to the center of workbench crafting list to improve visibility |
Renamed Methane to Hydrocarbon Solution for scientific accuracy as a liquid on proteus |
Overall sizing polish on in-game GUI and HUD |
Updated Gnat to operate as an animation-driven creature as opposed to IK-driven |
Set compass marker text size limit higher |
Updated all CreatureData assets to reflect changes to format and species system additions |
Updated all creature Animation Controllers to be able to utilize the species system's speed |
Increased functionality of Animation Event Hub script for custom events with parameters |
Smoothed Strafe and Forward values in MecanimBridge |
Updated creature zones on Proteus, Lutari, and Aziel for spawning from the species list |
Easter Egg map icons to green with pulse |
Reimplemented and rewrote spaceship spawn after crash handling |
Info to display during laboratory building |
Reworked player respawn code to be more efficient and less error-prone |
Drop inventory on death setting is currently ignored while the system gets rewritten |
Trees now all input harvested items directly to inventory |
Swapped plastic and scrap plastic icons to be more consistent with rubber |
Reduced atmosphere density while in spaceship |
Assault Rifle's recipe swapped Zircaloy for a Diamond |
Creatures can now damage structures and vehicles |
Any limb that has already been harvested on a creature will route damage properly |
Queued up another Mineral persistence reset for version 0.5.0 |
Navigation Module now requires Engine Module within 500m to build |
Updated Health Indicator prefab |
Introduced public off-screen health indicator size multiplier, reduced size across the board |
Updated all creature prefabs to utilize the new prefab |
Sped up Space Station travel calculations |
Reduced atmosphere density while in spaceship |
Assault Rifle's recipe swapped Zircaloy for a Diamond |
Creatures can now damage structures and vehicles |
Any limb that has already been harvested on a creature will route damage properly |
Queued up another Mineral persistence reset for version 0.5.0 |
Navigation Module now requires Engine Module within 500m to build |
Updated Health Indicator prefab |
Introduced public off-screen health indicator size multiplier, reduced size across the board |
Updated all creature prefabs to utilize the new prefab |
Sped up Space Station travel calculations |
Overall sizing polish on in-game GUI and HUD |
Updated Gnat to operate as an animation-driven creature as opposed to IK-driven |
Set compass marker text size limit higher |
Updated all CreatureData assets to reflect changes to format and species system additions |
Updated all creature Animation Controllers to be able to utilize the species system's speed |
Increased functionality of Animation Event Hub script for custom events with parameters |
Smoothed Strafe and Forward values in MecanimBridge |
Updated creature zones on Proteus, Lutari, and Aziel for spawning from the species list |
Easter Egg map icons to green with pulse |
Reimplemented and rewrote spaceship spawn after crash handling |
Info to display during laboratory building |
Reworked player respawn code to be more efficient and less error-prone |
Drop inventory on death setting is currently ignored while the system gets rewritten |
Trees now all input harvested items directly to inventory |
Swapped plastic and scrap plastic icons to be more consistent with rubber |
Buildable missions now properly complete |
Plants will now properly show as harvested in their LOD states |
Appliance build icons now properly destroy after building is complete |
Biodome Bins are once again properly persistent |
Fuel interface should no longer persist in various unintended places in the UI |
Player count on server buttons is now accurate |
Regenerated discovery data, should fix mismatched and incomplete discovery data entries |
Remote clients now properly load buggie inventory |
The last item in inventory now properly networks changes to all clients when updated |
Map when in Pod Tutorial |
Harvestable creatures now display proper species name |
Player can once again swap equipables after death |
Panning while in player-facing North mode |
Blinking icons while scanning |
Recentering of map when leaving Map Screen |
Cinnefern LOD materials when harvested |
Small Satellite Dish collision |
Fungle Thicket name on Map |
Names of Mines on Proteus in Interact Menu |
Creature corpse segment loot amounts are now properly network synced |
Crafting table inventory now properly syncs |
Scribe menu pagination now works |
Player deaths now appear in the scribe log |
Crafting table should now properly network all actions |
Durability system issue that caused durability to act unpredictably |
Crafting table fuel should now be properly networked |
Creature zones should now properly network their activation status |
Dropped items should now properly despawn after 2 minutes |
Incorrect color tag string on hardness readouts on minerals when holding the appropriate tool |
Nickname updates should now be properly networked |
Empty item persistence entries should not cause crashing on loading into the world |
Player models left behind after a user has disconnected should now be cleaned in all instances |
Guns should no longer be usable once durability has been depleted |
Respawn vitals should now respect respawn HP slider amount |
Shovels are no longer usable once durability has been depleted |
Buggie Hauler Upgrade should now properly sync its inventory capacity increase to all clients |
New lab building cancel option is now properly replacing the interaction button while building |
Prolific duplicate spaceship bug with the previous spaceship after crash spawn system |
Optimized creature networking bandwidth usage |
Biodome Bins now are now interactable in multiplayer |
Owned structure display in the main menu should not have duplicate entries in multiplayer |
Missing Left Shift control display to build UI for fine rotation control |
Radar Scanners now respect the ownership |
Optimized new creature syncing bandwidth and performance usage |
Optimized new inventory syncing |
Optimized weather networking |
Multiple instances of objects being accessible when not owned |
Multiple instances of objects not being accessible in multiplayer |
Errors reported by our internal error reporting tool |
Terrain activating when leaving deep space |
Spaceship physics when entering and exiting vehicle |
Creatures data for missing/incorrect information |
Duplicate rover mesh issue |
Improved spaceship load to be more stable and less crash prone |
Improved stability of multiplayer load with multiple joining clients |
Player should no longer get infinitely stuck under Aziel or any other planet |
Player spawn point is once again properly set after exiting a Spaceship |
Turrets should now mind their aim better |
Descriptions in the Laboratory now properly update |
Inventory contents are now properly refunded when dismantled, including all attached furniture |
Entering atmosphere from low orbit will now properly clamp the spaceship's position |
Dungeon generation on Aziel |
Issue causing players to disconnect in multiplayer with 3 or more players connected |
Issue preventing legacy avatars from properly migrating, causing retrieving avatars spinner |
Crude Pipe can now be used as a weapon |
Removed unneeded logs to help memory leak and performance hit during longer play sessions |
Spawning under the map when exiting the crashed pod |
Frame spikes when creatures spawn |
Creature zones now spawn for remote players |
Propellant Tank now properly disappears when dropped on the ground |
The player is no longer thrown into the air when exiting the crashed pod |
Removed Highlighter from Silver minerals |
Multiple issues causing players to disconnect with 3+ players |
Issue preventing legacy avatars from properly migrating, causing infinite retrieving spinner |
Reworked UI scaling handling to properly support all common aspect ratios |
Improved first-person melee detection when inside of enemy colliders |
Crude Pipe can now be used as a weapon |
Logs to help memory leak and performance hit during longer play sessions |
Spawning under the map when exiting the crashed pod |
Frame spikes when creatures spawn |
Creature zones now spawn for remote players |
Propellant Tank now properly disappears when dropped on the ground |
The player is no longer thrown into the air when exiting the crashed pod |
Removed Highlighter from Silver minerals |
Redicle display when tool is not equipped |
Mission UI entries to properly display cancel button |
Collect rocks tutorial mission no longer completes after harvesting only 1 rock |
Mission objectives now display item display names instead of their item types |
Added missing LODs on plants, improving performance on Proteus 2 |
Added LODs to Proteus 2 environment rocks, improving performance on Proteus 2 |
Players under the map should now be automatically placed on the correct terrain if airborne |
Animation/RootMotion issue on Sentry Droid causing it to walk into obstacles |
Creature spawning: spawning into the ground, inside obstacles, dungeon spawn discrepancies |
Utility Canvas Flicker and Local Player trigger issues |
Two hidden inventory slots now visible |
Building is no longer possible in vehicles as intended |
Steam related input with XInput HID devices |
Oxygen consumption when using weapons with different Universe Settings |
CreatureZones on Aziel and Lutari |
Wire item should no longer fall through colliders when dropped |
Copper now shows proper hardness in GPS Filter |
Crash site pods now appear on GPS with Fabricated filter |
Mine entrances now appear on GPS with Fabricated filter |
Updated fuel values for numerous items |
Underground check will no longer teleport the player outside of the dungeon |
Input should no longer break after respawn |
Vehicle inventory persistence issues |
Reduced Glide unit cost to 4 ingredients |
Grilled Alien Meat recipe in Kitchen should now properly recognize Alien Tissue in inventory |
Jumping beneath an invisible asteroid will no longer teleport the player into low orbit |
There is now an input field as intended in the renaming dialog |
Buildable missions now properly complete |
Plants will now properly show as harvested in their LOD states |
Appliance build icons now properly destroy after building is complete |
Biodome Bins are once again properly persistent |
Fuel interface should no longer persist in various unintended places in the UI |
Player count on server buttons is now accurate |
Regenerated discovery data, should fix mismatched and incomplete discovery data entries |
Remote clients now properly load buggie inventory |
The last item in inventory now properly networks changes to all clients when updated |
Map when in Pod Tutorial |
Harvestable creatures now display proper species name |
Player can once again swap equipable after death |
Panning while in player-facing North mode |
Blinking icons while scanning |
Recentering of the map when leaving Map Screen |
Cinnefern LOD materials when harvested |
Small Satellite Dish collision |
Fungle Thicket name on Map |
Names of Mines on Proteus in Interact Menu |
Creature corpse segment loot amounts are now properly network synced |
Crafting table inventory now properly syncs |
Scribe menu pagination now works |
Player deaths now appear in the scribe log |
Crafting table should now properly network all actions |
Durability system issue that caused durability to act unpredictably |
Crafting table fuel should now be properly networked |
Creature zones should now properly network their activation status |
Creature zones should now properly network their activation status |
Dropped items should now properly despawn after 2 minutes |
Incorrect color tag string on hardness readouts on minerals when holding the appropriate tool |
Nickname updates should now be properly networked |
Empty item persistence entries should not cause crashing on loading into the world |
Player models left behind after a user has disconnected should now be cleaned in all instances |
Guns should no longer be usable once durability has been depleted |
Respawn vitals should now respect respawn HP slider amount |
Shovels are no longer usable once durability has been depleted |
Buggie Hauler Upgrade should now properly sync its inventory capacity increase to all clients |
New lab building cancel option is now properly replacing the interaction button while building |
Prolific duplicate spaceship bug with the previous spaceship after crash spawn system |
Optimized creature networking bandwidth usage |
Biodome Bins now are now interactable in multiplayer |
Owned structure display in the main menu should not have duplicate entries in multiplayer |
Missing Left Shift control display to build UI for fine rotation control |
Radar Scanners now respect the ownership |
Optimized new creature syncing bandwidth and performance usage |
Optimized new inventory syncing |
Optimized weather networking |
Multiple instances of objects being accessible when not owned |
Multiple instances of objects not being accessible in multiplayer |
Errors reported by our internal error reporting tool |
Terrain activating when leaving deep space |
Spaceship physics when entering and exiting the vehicle |
Updated Creatures data for missing/incorrect information |
Duplicate rover mesh issue |
Improved spaceship load to be more stable and less crash-prone |
Improved stability of multiplayer load with multiple joining clients |
Player should no longer get infinitely stuck under Aziel or any other planet |
Player spawn point is once again properly set after exiting a Spaceship |
Turrets should now mind their aim better |
Descriptions in the Laboratory now properly update |
Inventory contents are now properly refunded when dismantled, including all attached furniture |
Entering atmosphere from low orbit will now properly clamp the spaceship's position |
Dungeon generation on Aziel |
Issue causing 3rd and subseuqent players from preventing to properly load the world |
Spaceship bypasses for transitions between low orbit and planet to prevent getting stuck |
Data issue in multiplayer causing built objects to randomly disappear |
Clouderous plant should now be properly harvestable |
Lonsdaleite should now properly read as in the Low density minerals filter on Discovery screen |
Deep mineral vein of Chromium on Proteus marked as lithium |
Copper veins from underground should no longer display on the surface radar of Proteus |
All map icons are now properly intractable |
Bug fixes for Silver |
Collider issues on spaceship |
Collider issues on Large Satellite |
Crab Monster Mecanim Bridge issue |
Crab Monster head harvestable segment issue |
CrabMonster IK issue |
CrabMonster rotation issue |
Creature looping movement audio continuing after death issue |
Display of time remaining in Server Cycle for multiplayer modes |
Time remaining display to show correct time remaining |
Droids not re-pathing wander error (stuck in rocks) |
Droids rotation issues |
Arachnoid rotation issue |
Arachnoid ragdoll projection settings |
Issues with Procedural Leg Hub rotation jitter (to be added back into creatures) |
Clipping issue with Crab Mech |
Animation issues with Crab Mech |
Colossus loot drop amount |
Zer will no longer greatly lag when loading in, hopefully fixing a common crash on Zer |
Various Zer optimization issues |
Errors reported by automated reporting tool |
Remnants of legacy creature variables from various scripts |