Added New tutorial missions that also maintain story immersion |
Added Spawn Creature command in dev console can now accept a level parameter |
Added Wreckages are now able to be fully salvaged |
Added Display on chests now can display the nickname of the container |
Added Droid Control panel to F3 map screen in PlayerGUI |
Improved Sentry droid targeting AI to avoid aiming and shooting through obstacles |
Added Improved unstuck AI to droids to allow them to better handle getting stuck during traversal |
Added Various droid minimap icon improvements |
Added Travel to position behavior tasks to all available droid types |
Various pathing corrections in droid behavior trees |
Added Reworked compass display to greatly improve system's performance and improve readability |
Added New compass supports merging nearby markers, mostly preventing overlap |
Added Updated Interior of the spaceship with Decals and flight screens |
Added Updated a portion of the Proteus mines |
Added Updated Proteus Hives with new Art |
Added Explosive Icon |
Added Ground turret medium decals and emissive power mesh |
Added Specific map icon for hovercraft |
Added First pass localization system implementation for various menus in the app |
Added Summon dev console command to allow manually teleporting vehicles and droids to your location |
Added Destroy dev console command to allow manually destroying vehicles and droids in the world |
Added Event support for damage states on buildables |
Added Fx support for build icons for build completion |
Added Unstuck buttons in Feedback screen to help players when stuck inside objects and when lost in space |
Added Integrated Structures, Utilities, and Vehicles into the map info panel |
Added Expanded 'move to position' command for droids to continue their primary task when reaching the destination |
Added Behavior task for updating home position for droids |
Added Behavior task for spawning a valid/invalid GUI popup message |
Added Droid Control panel to F3 map screen in PlayerGUI |
Added First pass localization system implementation for various menus in the app |
Added Improved Sentry droid targeting AI to avoid aiming and shooting through obstacles |
Added Improved unstuck AI to droids to allow them to better handle getting stuck during traversal |
Added Various droid minimap icon improvements |
Added Travel to position behavior tasks to all available droid types |
Added Various pathing corrections in droid behavior trees |
Added Reworked compass display to greatly improve system's performance and improve readability |
Added New compass supports merging nearby markers, mostly preventing overlap |
Added Updated Interior of the spaceship with Decals and flight screens |
Added Updated a portion of the Proteus mines |
Added Updated Proteus Hives with new Art |
Added Explosive Icon |
Added Ground turret medium decals and emissive power mesh. |
Added Specific map icon for hovercraft |
Added Summon dev console command to allow manually teleporting vehicles and droids to your location |
Added Destroy dev console command to allow manually destroying vehicles and droids in the world |
Added Event support for damage states on buildable |
Added Fx support for build icons for build completion |
Added Unstuck buttons in Feedback screen to help players when stuck inside objects and when lost in space |
Added Integrated Structures, Utilities, and Vehicles into the map info panel |
Added Expanded 'move to position' command for droids to continue their primary task when reaching the destination |
Added Behavior task for updating home position for droids |
Behavior task for spawning a valid/invalid GUI popup message |
Updated weapon damage and critical values to better match their place in progression |
Increased the max capacity of both the Gas Tank and the Liquid Tank |
Improved Sentry droid's gun damage |
Optimized occlusion data to reduce build size/TD>
Updated and optimized vehicle console textures |
Optimized occlusion in caves |
Updated Aziel sky material |
Updated wall defense Prefabs with optimized textures |
Updated wall Icons |
Updated Aziel Atmosphere material and clouds |
Updated Zer and Aziel plants with impact sounds |
Restricted panning and zooming of the minimap to the bounds of the screen |
Updated more Aziel and Zer planet materials |
Updated Silver prefab to be higher so Bottom Silver Fragments can be accessible |
Buildings will no longer re-anchor (sometimes sink into the ground) when the data is believed to be from a legacy save file, this was also triggering when Mineral world persistence would corrupt |
Updated more Aziel and Zer planet materials |
Updated Silver prefab to be higher so Bottom Silver Fragments can be accessible |
Buildings will no longer re-anchor (sometimes sink into the ground) when the data is believed to be from a legacy save file, this was also triggering when Mineral world persistence would corrupt |
Improved Sentry droid's gun damage |
Optimized occlusion data to reduce build size |
Updated and optimized vehicle console textures |
Optimized occlusion in caves |
Updated Aziel sky material |
Updated wall defense Prefabs with optimized textures |
Updated wall Icons |
Updated Aziel Atmosphere material and clouds |
Updated Zer and Aziel plants with impact sounds |
Restricted panning and zooming of the minimap to the bounds of the screen |
Many instances where the Spaceship would not be where the player expects when reloading after a crash, stranding the player |
Added FungtipleBulb to Console Autocomplete |
Removed extra mesh in center of Tech Ceiling 01 |
Space debris should now properly hide itself on the map once harvested |
Lonsdaleite should no longer show up as Carbon on the GPS map |
Missing script message on explosion prefab |
Biodome lights should now operate like the Habitat's |
Biodome glass should no longer pulse with the rest of the structure's highlighter |
Spaceship inventory can now be accessed from the interior |
Creative mode should now be respected for applying upgrades |
Creative mode should now be respected for repairing wreckages |
Testing mode should no longer be enabled by default in creative mode |
Survival tool can now be properly dropped |
Blank popup when aiming at the wrecked Biodome frame |
Buildable renames should now properly network to other allied players |
Buggie upgrade descriptions now properly note exclusivity |
Added Mushroom material for Lutari Caves |
Creature audio null reference on death |
Colossus ragdoll now properly activates after death |
Tweaked collision and physics on Buggie so it's less likely to get stuck on terrain or glitch under the world |
TBuggie should be much less likely to launch the player when running into the hood |
Droids will now properly sync in multiplayer |
The Elevator within the habitat is now much smoother to ride and can no longer crush the player through the floor of the habitat |
Riding on or within vehicles is now much smoother |
Watchtower collision meshes should no longer be visible |
Incorrect creature spawning in Lutari mines has been swapped for finished creature |
Compass now properly respects control/ownership |
Compass markers no longer move with head-bob |
Compass icons no longer display for currently occupied vehicle |
Going too far in some directions on Aziel will no longer teleport you back to the origin |
Salvaging wrecks should now properly network in multiplayer |
Common FPS hitch when the player takes damage |
Terrain collider issues on Lutari |
Lab vehicles and droids are now properly buildable in creative mode |
A single instance where item duplication was possible |
Added Custom collider for space station ring module fixing some collision issues |
Spaceship will no longer get blocked on Aziel when flying around |
Texture tiling issue on distant Aziel material |
Lutari cave without a door blocker |
Typo in fuel cell description |
Some instances of ice materials not sorting in fog |
Normal issue with spore texture |
Build icon material in the spaceship |
Vehicles duplicating when other players enter a multiplayer room |
Mineral world persistence corruptions should now be much less likely |
Wreckages now properly consume resources when being repaired |
Rotation issues when pathing on Security Droid |
Droids not canceling their current paths when receiving a new command issue |
Security droid not correcting path when headed toward obstacle |
Instances of built objects, vehicles, and droids from older saves being invisible |
Spaceship ramp should now properly open when the ship is floating above the ground |
Ruined base locations on Aziel, Lutari, and Zer should no longer float, duplicate, or reappear |
Nicknamed objects selected on the map will now show their nickname |
Creature Health and Attack damage sliders will now properly affect creatures |
Additional fixed for Sentry Droid pathing tasks and switching between pathing tasks |
Restricted droid display to owned droids on map panel |
Tweaked collision and physics on Buggie so it's less likely to get stuck on terrain or glitch under the world |
Buggie should be much less likely to launch the player when running into the hood |
Droids will now properly sync in multiplayer |
The Elevator within the habitat is now much smoother to ride and can no longer crush the player through the floor of the habitat |
Riding on or within vehicles is now much smoother |
Watchtower collision meshes should no longer be visible |
Incorrect creature spawning in Lutari mines has been swapped for finished creature |
Compass now properly respects control/ownership |
Compass markers no longer move with head-bob |
Compass icons no longer display for currently occupied vehicle |
Going too far in some directions on Aziel will no longer teleport you back to the origin |
Salvaging wrecks should now properly network in multiplayer |
Common FPS hitch when the player takes damage |
Terrain collider issues on Lutari |
Lab vehicles and droids are now properly buildable in creative mode |
A single instance where item duplication was possible |
Added Custom collider for space station ring module fixing some collision issues |
Spaceship will no longer get blocked on Aziel when flying around |
Texture tiling issue on distant Aziel material |
Lutari cave without a door blocker |
Typo in fuel cell description |
Some instances of ice materials not sorting in fog |
Normal issue with spore texture |
Build icon material in the spaceship |
Vehicles duplicating when other players enter a multiplayer room |
Mineral world persistence corruptions should now be much less likely |
Wreckages now properly consume resources when being repaired |
Rotation issues when pathing on Security Droid |
Droids not canceling their current paths when receiving a new command issue |
Security droid not correcting path when headed toward the obstacle |
Instances of built objects, vehicles, and droids from older saves being invisible |
Spaceship ramp should now properly open when the ship is floating above the ground |
Ruined base locations on Aziel, Lutari, and Zer should no longer float, duplicate, or reappear |
Nicknamed objects selected on the map will now show their nickname |
Creature Health and Attack damage sliders will now properly affect creatures |
Additional fixed for Sentry Droid pathing tasks and switching between pathing tasks |
Restricted droid display to owned droids on the map panel |
Text errors throughout the app caused by the first pass implementation of the localization system |