3D HUD |
Animated the HUD based on input |
New Deposit All and Deposit Like buttons to inventory UI |
Fade out nominal vitals |
Fade out Equip Slots, fade in when used for a time |
Harvest interact is based on what you're holding |
Level Up physical stats with improved interface |
Cleaned up Item descriptions panel |
Player Model back into Inventory Screen |
Weight Meter in Inventory Screen |
Faded out inactive Interacts |
Better interact instructions for Geysers |
Mouse overs to Vitals in Menu Screens |
Battery icon pulse when flashlight is on |
Tab Circle when pressing Tab in a menu |
Inspection Descriptions now turn off when going to a menu and resume when leaving menu |
Voice Log system added as a pickup and raid item |
Voice Log Listening interface |
Support to bring in debug missions for testing |
More detail to auto typing text |
Fuel Cell upgrade to Forge |
Full screen layout for all menu modes |
Turn off Stat Elements when in Map and Skills Screen |
Planet day cycle data Show Planet Rotation Speed in Hours on Clock |
Location coords to Menu |
Planet Name and site to Menus |
Fail safe to teleport droid to base |
Location type to Menus |
Locked build objects to menus |
Unlock requirements to locked build objects |
Level Up Alert |
Show Structures in Map Screen |
Text and layout pass on all UI menus |
Smoothed out rock textures when viewed from a distance |
Set raid object to always give listed objects for missions/TD>
Repositioned Battery Icon/TD>
Cleaned up Center Queue alerts/TD>
Improved Centered Interact Text/TD>
Forge no longer requires Fuel Cell to build/TD>
Forge by default requires fuel/TD>
Forges built before this update will gain the Fuel Cell Upgrade by default/TD>
Player slightly moved to center in 3rd person/TD>
Minerals now properly render on the minimap/TD>
Utilities/Inventories can now be accessed and operated while holding a Tinkering tool/TD>
Improved and clarified UI in Crash Pod tutorial sequence/TD>
Improve HUD meters on all objects/TD>
Compass text size/TD>
Clean up various Inventory screens/TD>
Tweaked build object colors for various states/TD>
Improved description in unstuck Buttons/TD>
Rework Map controls in Map Panel/TD>
Discovery now shows Minerals first/TD>
Improved Depository material/TD>
Improved Printer Collision/TD>
Improved Printer active lights/TD>
Spacecraft and Space Appliances are now all unlocked with the building of a Laboratory/TD>
Map now is displayed in all vehicle types |
New Mission gets turned off after viewing missions |
Duplication bug when quick stacking items into multiple stacks |
Optimized runtime impact of the Minimap and GPS screens |
Numerous issues with items not properly rendering on the minimap or GPS map |
Graphics settings will no longer reset to defaults after planet travel |
Walking diagonally reduces stamina |
Redicle re activates when going in and out of menus |
Some objects not pickable in 3rd Person |
Disappearing Space debris on Proteus 2 |
Habitats with walls missing will no longer render ghost walls after leaving and returning |
Weather is now properly persistent in save games |
Issues causing Weather to not sync to other players properly in multiplayer |