Added New Save System |
Added automatic migration of legacy save data |
Added Seamless Space Travel to all gameplay systems |
Added reverb to System Computer and player voice |
Incorporated astar systems into restored Aziel scene |
Migrated Mech from beta branch |
Added Full Body IK to Mech |
Added Aim IK to Mech which was requested from beta builds |
Added support for oxygen replenish in enclosed vehicles |
Added support for optimal suit temperature in enclosed vehicles |
Added support for entering atmosphere after space travel |
Added Altitude and Location readings to Spaceship |
Added post processing to Deep Space |
Added reentry sound when planet travelling |
Migrated Crab Mech vehicle from beta branch |
Added mineral nodes to restored Aziel scene |
Re-enabled creature zones for Giraffe herds in restored Aziel scene |
Added and improved creature herding systems and associated behavior tasks |
Restored Giraffe creature from beta branch and set up with new herding and fleeing behavior |
Added support to be at optimal suit temperature in structures |
Added event system for going in and out of orbit |
Added support for UI in Spaceship for entering new planet |
Added large count down to Hover meter |
Added support for planet rendering while in space |
Added Deep Space zone |
Added special camera shake settings for Spaceships |
Added support for Inflatable Dome to give Oxygen |
Added support to stop weather particles while in space |
Added reference for scattering in cameras |
Added revised ramp script |
Added Map Icon to Inflatable Dome |
Added Compass Icon to Inflatable Dome |
Added automatic backup save and load |
Added ability to save after space travel |
Adding Xbox Plugins |
Added larger generic mineral clusters in specific locations around the map |
Added Colony naming into UI |
Added attack, hit, and turn animations for Giraffe |
Adding Giraffe Idle and Gallop animations |
Added dll filtering for consoles |
Added support for vehicles to interact with distance objects for space travel |
Added support for cubemaps to initialize during space travel |
Set hover to last longer by default |
Migrated aniamtion event system from beta branch |
Added compiler flags for console |
Added support for emissive RTP layers, near and far |
Fixed null ref in main menu |
Fixed some issues with Avatar IDs not getting properly set for new avatars |
Fixed utility save and loading |
Fixed Depository to allow accessing from side |
Fixed Dungeon traversal with new save system |
Fixed CreatureVehicleController early input calling |
Fixed incorrect Rover material shader |
Fixed local planet issue when space travelling |
Fixed a bug causing passive enemy spawn waves to not occur |
Furnace water fixes |
Fixes to Creature Hearing behavour |
Fixed infinite worm spawns when a vehicle is lost to the worm in the Sanddunes |
Sandworms no longer are triggered when the player is in a spaceship |
Fixed mech not saving position |
Fixed camera collision mesh rendering |
Fixed some weirdness with entering and exiting mines and persistence |
Fixes to Inflatable Dome |
Fixed issue causing mech not to be buildable |
Fixed an issue causing the mech to spawn floating above the ground |
Switched worm to check for dust storm instead of just heavy wind |
Fixed Azure Rifle and Assault Rifle Commander breaking instantly |
Fixes to dungeon scenes to detect collisions properly |
Fixed Cryo Rifle and Hydrogen Torch damage |
Fixed pink weapon materials |
Gun weapons now deal damage |
Fixed broken model of rover inside of Beta Mine |
Fixed various mesh holes in the walls of a few mines |
Fixed Inflatable Dome ramp |
Fixed weapon and tool shadows in first person |
Fixed attachment rendering in first person |
Fixes to TOD shaders for consoles |
Fixed creature interactions with dead bodies |
Fixes to RTP shaders by adding NoLightmap and removing ignore deferred |
Fixed furnace smelting recipies |
Fixed creature zones not properly detecting player |
Fixed offgrid detection for creatures |
Fixed bug causing creatures to always track the player |
Fixes to Compass System for space travel |
Fixes to Map System for space travel |
Capping difficulty at 50 until the spawn system can be better balanced |
Renamed generic mineral nodes from Base Metal to Mineral Outcropping, and Precious Metal to Rich Mineral Outcropping |
Reduced auto-placed frequency of generic mineral outcropping nodes |
Increased auto-placed frequency of harvestable vegetation |
Increased beetle search arrive threshold so they do not get stuck due to their turning radius |
Flashlight now only alerts enemies at night or in dungeons |
Items now repair to full with one build loop |
Tweaked ingots to cost 2 ores instead of 3 |
Tweaked plastic and rubber recipies to provide more output due to their wide use in recipies |
First pass on new settings integration |
Reenabled in-game settings page |
Water container now extracts 25 water per interaction |
Minimizing starting health at 5 so the player does not die instantly at spawn if health was saved at 1 or 0 |
Refined stealth gameplay, creatures now properly respect line of sight and the sound player actions make to track their target |
Creature wave spawns overall are now limited to every 2~4 minutes |
Passive enemy spawn waves now occur in 5~10 minute intervals |
Reworked Crab Mech controls for tighter player precision |
Increased the resolution of and restrictions over IK hub and manager systems for more natural creature movement |
Changed Mech to generate heat on step and land |
Set camera for all vehicles to third person for now |
Improved Reentry FX |
Adjustments to atmosphere heights on Proteus2 and Aziel |
Improvements to geyser particle rendering |
Updated Player and GUI for space travel |
Changed Anti Aliasing in First Person to Temporal |
Changed Proteus 2 B scene loading to fit the new planet travel schema |
Added Aziel to project |
Updated main menu art |
Adjustments to Structure build sounds |
Removed projector from build icon for Inflatable Dome |
Updated spaceship UI |
Adjusted sound volumes on Player and GUI |
Changed Stamina to replenish faster |
Made Stamina more responsive |
Added more space for inventory UI |
Improved sounds for building |
Changed Temperature reading to show suit temperature, not outside temperature |
Changed hover replenish rate to double |
Xbox One texture optimization pass |
Sound pass on Player |
Made heartbeat sound ramp up intensity |
Updated all UI sounds |
Removed all worms inside continent |
Removed interactable surface from hallway in Osiris 1 |
Removed unneeded shaders and textures for project clean up |
Removed ramp for now on Spaceship |
Removing feature where Photon deletes a gameobject with the same ID |