Experimental Build v0.5.281


*Note - These changes are only on the Experimental Branch. To access the Experimental Branch, be sure to select it in your Steam Library. If this app does not appear, please check if this app is hidden in your Library. Experimental Branch changes upgrade to the primary branch monthly.

Hello explorers! Working from the great response and feedback from our last Experimental Branch, we performed a number of requested features and additions.

HUD Opacity Meter

An opacity setting is now available in the Setting Menu to allow any percentage of HUD opacity. Like it minimal? Set it to zero. Like to see all your vitals but muted? We like 20%. Want it all the way full? Set to 100%.

Text Colors and Drop Shadows

OK, so this was easy and only took a couple of minutes, but it was requested by some players and I thought it deserved a call out. We also re enabled the clock in the HUD.

More accurate Temperature Readings too.

Lots of fixes and polish this week. Here's our full list:

Change List

Added - Slider for controlling HUD opacity fade
Added - outlines and drop shadows for vital warning
Added - outlines and drop shadows to Mission header
Added - sound to Level Up
Added - sound to Stat increase buttons

Changed - Mission title text color changed to a more readable color
Changed - Removed wording in tutorial referencing "skittering noise"
Changed - New characters now start with 3 stat points by default
Changed - Health stat points now offer 2 hit points per level
Changed - Stamina stat points now offer 2% increase from base per level
Changed - Speed stat points now offer 2% increase from base per level
Changed - Strength stat points now offer 10% increase in carry capacity from base per level
Changed - Increasing health stat points now heals the amount of hit points aquired
Changed - Temperature warning messages now display more accurate information
Changed - Set sound on Level Up to play when text is also shown
Changed - Set Level Meter to orange
Changed - Temperature Vital to color code the outside and suit temperature

Changed - Reenabled clock in HUD
NOTE: Total day cycle time varies per planet, total hours in a day can be viewed in the Radial Menu (Tab) by default

Fixed - Laboratory interact once again works as intended
Fixed - Player is no longer considered outside when walking between connected pressurized structures
Fixed - Buildables with upgrades dismantled after building them in the same session now properly refund all spent materials
Fixed - Large Radar Installation can now be properly interacted with
Fixed - Large Radar Installation now has 1500 hit points
Fixed - Funnel Leaf Tree can now be harvested with Sharp and Shearing tools
Fixed - Vital tooltips will no longer stick to the mouse after closing the menu
Fixed - Launch!!! button in character creation will now no longer sometimes read Update
Fixed - Update button in difficulty change menu will no longer sometimes read Launch!!!
Fixed - Removed proximity build requirements from buildable icons
Fixed - Locked buildables are no longer buildable when still locked
Fixed - Baked potato, Potato, Packaged Food, and Sand should no longer fall through the floor, and should be interactable
Fixed - Main menu and in-game settings panels are now at parity with one another
Fixed - All buildables can once again be dismantled
Fixed - Build goal can now display more types of recipes
Fixed - Build goal will no longer display outdated build information
Fixed - Changing HUD Opacity within the in-game settings will now properly apply without restarting
Fixed - Set suit temperature reading dial to accurately display
Fixed - Vital tool tip to turn off properly when leaving a menu
Fixed - Blur background in Mission Menu entries

We'll likely update the Main Branch in a few days once this build settles in a bit.


Experimental Build v0.5.287


User Interface Update