December Update - Build Notes
Creature AI
With the new AI pathfinding and behavior system, we revamped and revived many of the creatures. The AI system allows for more detailed stealth gameplay, which we’ve started in this version.
New Creatures
Minotaur and Elida have been added in this version. Be careful, they are not exactly friendly!
Hearing Radius
Each creature now has a hearing radius based on it’s species and its life cycle maturity. Depending on your actions, a certain amount of noise is created. The louder your actions are, the easier it will be for predators to hunt you down.
Line of Sight and Viewing Cone
A creature's amount of eyes and maturity has an influence on its sight. It’s sense of vision will allow the creature to hunt and attack, but can be obscured with obstacles, forcing the creature to depend on its other fierce senses.
List of Creatures Restored and Refactored
Crab Monster
Gameplay Improvements
3rd Person Combat
Terrain Climbing
Dust Storm Evading, crouching
Multi Tool Usage
Plant Harvesting
Water Creation in Furnace
Timer for Save Beds
Party UI in Character Screens
Storage Icons on Items
Compass and Map Icons in Multiplayer
Interact System and Highlighter Improvements
Meteor System overhauled
Slope reading in UI
Weight reading in UI
Chat improvements and clean up to allow more chat in less space
Field Guild added
Crash Site Persistence
Crash Site is now persistent in single player with a first pass in multiplayer modes. This will enable you to continue harvesting your crashed pod over gameplay sessions, as opposed to forcing you to harvest on your first session.
Mineral Persistence
Minerals are now persistent in single player, with a first pass in multiplayer modes.
Plant Persistence
Trees now grow berries over time and will yield a certain amount per species of tree. Now having two gameplay states, plants will no longer disappear after harvesting. Instead, they will grow back their leaves.
Legacy Fixes
Legacy data fail safes and migrations
Some players with data from previous versions would get stuck during loading, due to data being stored in an incompatible directory for modern apps. Rather than asking players to delete, we wanted to find a way to migrate their data. To solve this, the game now automatically backs up data and replaces it with new data that can allow loading to continue, preventing the lockup from occurring.
Legacy multiplayer connection errors fixed
Some machines with different locales enabled would always report that the currently installed version is not the latest, prompting the user to attempt to download the latest version from steam. Our version checking system was incorrectly reading the localized decimal separator as an English comma in some locales that would switch the latest 4.064 version number to 4064, always coming back as larger than the local 4.064. Now the system uses properly invariant locales when reading data from the server, fixing these inconsistent cases, and allowing users from these specific areas to join multiplayer.
Bug Fixes
Vehicle Camera and UI has been updated to new optimized camera system
Vehicle Materials have been improved and optimized
Fixes to GAV, Hover, and Rover vehicles
Mecha Crab fixes
Custom Object materials improvements
Structure placement fixes
Melee weapons in first person
Durability balancing tweaked for some tools
UI fixes to external crates such as Depository and Space Debris Chest
Turret fixes
Faster melee attack in 3rd person to better match first person
Optimized meteor system
Improvements to creature looting death event
Fixes to confirm box cancel
Fixed pink skeliopod
Improved creature blood FX
First pass added creatures to dungeons
Increased quality of Mech textures